Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hormone Connection--excerpt from upcoming talk

You will have to attend my Seminar on Hormones and the human body (at First Security Trust Bank in Florence on August 18th, 2007) to hear the rest!


What an intriguing topic hormones is! How many people here are completely confused by the information available on hormones? How many people here are completely confused by how their body is behaving presumably because of hormones?

Is it reasonable to expect that anything you don't understand will cause you to feel afraid of it? How many of you experience fear because of the symptoms you are experiencing?

The greatest asset of the education I have received is related to the understanding of how the human body works. My great passion is to pass this information on to the people in my practice and anyone else who will listen—knowing how your body works is your greatest tool to loving and appreciating yourself and being able to take care of yourself.

There are no maps to the territory of hormone replacement therapy. All we have to go on is clinical experience or guessing. The only way to actually have a map to know what to do to help your body back to health is to use the maps we do have. The best way to know is to use what we do know as the basis for what to do next. By going back to basic, NORMAL, physiology it is possible to then honor and support how the body actually works instead of guessing your way through unknown territory and using female patients experimentally.

The cycling woman has a number of different phases she passes through during a typical cycle of approximately 28 days. The beginning of the cycle is called the follicular phase.

We begin by using a natural health approach. To change the body you have to change the situation. But changing the situation doesn't mean declaring war on the body. Wellness is in you—in fact it is your birthright. To wait for disease to happen, then declare WAR on it is like turning out the light, then getting donations to fight the darkness. BETTER TO JUST TURN THE LIGHTS BACK ON!

So we always start by just supporting your natural right to health, because at any age and in virtually any condition the body can come through and regenerate a healthier self. As we get older, we are designed to change—but we are not designed to fall apart.
I cringe when I hear Doctors quoted in my office who have said to patients, “what do you expect? You're getting older!”

In a natural health practice, we are not doing something to you, we are doing something with you. You don't drop your body off on Tuesday with a pick-up receipt for Friday. “Here's my body doc—fix it and I'll be back for it when you are done!”

Natural health correction is a participation sport, you must be willing to participate and make some changes—mental and physical. You are receiving messages via symptoms from your body that it is doing the best it can under the current situation, and in order to help it do better and make the symptoms go away, you will probably need to make a few changes in the current situation.

The first situation to change is energy. You must increase the energy available to the body. Nothing happens without energy. If you first improve energy pathways you will enable the body to use the tools such as hormone replacement therapies that you are giving it.

What is the source your body gets energy from? Food. Does anybody here feel guilty when you eat? Has anyone ever explained the energy pathway of food to you? No wonder the hormone system is so confusing to you. Feeling guilty about eating, but needing to know how complicated systems work in the body is the equivalent of wanting to drive somewhere, but being unable to put gas in the car until you understand how the entire engine system works!

We are not going to go into a detailed discussion about food today (that's another full day entirely), and when we talk in depth about food, we need to talk about how badly food is being changed today, but let's start our talk about hormones by a basic understanding about the one most important thing your body needs to be able to make hormones...

Call 859.331.2800 to make your reservations for my lecture. The cost is 15$ for an individual, 25$ for a pair. Call or email if you would like to be informed of our upcoming lectures and events by email or snail mail. visit NWHIC.com for details and more about us.